Archive for October, 2008

Cleopatra…The Musical!…in 3D!!

Hot off the NYT presses: The director Steven Soderbergh, whose body of work includes the films “Schizopolis,” “Kafka” and “Ocean’s Thirteen,” is planning to make a rock ’n’ roll musical about Cleopatra, Variety reported. Mr. Soderbergh, right, is said to be courting Catherine Zeta-Jones to play the Egyptian queen and Hugh Jackman to play her […]

Antique Muses Stir a Modern Orpheus

Brought to you by Los Angeles via the New York Times: WITH its grand marble staircase, inner and outer peristyles and Roman gardens, the Getty Villa in Los Angeles seems a fitting backdrop for a small army of Greek gods, Roman warriors and Etruscan vases. But in two weeks visitors to the villa, which houses […]

The Real ‘Gladiator’

Tomb of the real ‘Gladiator’ discovered in Italy Archaeologists find tomb of the real hero who inspired epic film. Italian archaeologists have discovered the tomb of the Ancient Roman hero who inspired Russell Crowe’s character in the film Gladiator. Daniela Rossi, a Rome archaeologist, said that the discovery of the marble tomb of Marcus Nonius […]

Missing Matt?

Check out the family blog here and leave a note!

Fragments of a Greek Tragedy

Monday evening, Oct. 13th Dr. KO Chong-Gossard from University of Melbourne delivered a lecture entitled “Pavane for a Dead Infant: Consolation in Euripides’ Hypsipyle” to a packed house . Euripides is perhaps best known as an avant-garde playwright whose plays (Medea, Bacchae, Trojan Women) offer powerful female protagonists, bold new handlings of myth and an […]

Myth and Music

It’s not everyday that you hear explicit recountings of Greek myth in contemporary pop music. Listen to Jay Brannan’s 38-second shout out to the stories of Zeus, Metis, Athena, and Hephaestus in this excerpt: goddamned-Jay Brannan

Back from the Dead and More Relevant Than Ever

When an op-ed piece in the New York Times is entitled “Are We Rome? Tu Betchus!” you know it’s a good day to be a classicist. When it continues on to note that, “the decline and fall of the American Empire echoes the experience of the Romans,” you know that your appreciation of classics and […]

“It’s cool to say, ‘I take Latin’”

…the New York Times confirms.  Latin enrollments are on the rise.  Read about it here. NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y. — The Latin class at Isaac E. Young Middle School here was reading a story the other day with a familiar ring: Boy annoys girl, girl scolds boy. Only in this version, the characters were named Sextus […]

Opening Ceremonies (Gustavus Classics Style)

Earlier this September, the Classics Department welcomed back Gustie classics majors, old and new, at the annual Departmental Classics Reception.  Much barbecue, tzatziki, and merriment were had by all! Missing Matt? Go visit his blog: