Who is that prodigy? Posted on April 30th, 2007 by

Senior Andrew Howard presented a paper, entitled “The Runner and the Iliad” at the 103rd annual meeting of the CAMWS in Cincinnati, Ohio on April 14. CAMWS is one of the two largest professional classical associations in the country. Andrew’s paper was accepted through a blind review process and was competing with the abstracts of professional classicists. It is a rare distinction for an undergraduate to have a paper accepted. In fact, the panel moderator looked for Andrew’s curriculum vitae on the department website and was perplexed not to find his name listed under the department’s faculty. Andrew’s accomplishment made front page news on the college’s website: you can read the article at

Among the other illuminati presenting at the conference were Katie Bukowski (’04, now a graduate student at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Stewart Flory (classics emeritus), Sean Easton, Yurie Hong Easton and Mary McHugh, our three new tenure-track professors who will be joining us in the fall.


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